Emerging Property Trends NZ 2024

Here’s some emerging trends in the New Zealand real estate industry 2024:

1) 🌳Sustainable and eco-friendly properties: There’s a growing demand for properties that are energy-efficient and environmentally sustainable.

2) 📱Technology integration: Real estate agents are increasingly using technology such as virtual reality tours, AI-driven analytics, and online platforms to enhance the buying and selling process.

3) 🏠Urbanization and development: Cities like Auckland are experiencing significant growth, leading to increased development of urban areas and the need for more housing options.

4) 👨‍💻Remote work influence: The rise of remote work is impacting housing preferences, with some individuals opting for properties in suburban or rural areas rather than city centres.

5) 💰Affordable housing initiatives: Efforts are being made to address the issue of affordability, with various government and private sector initiatives aimed at providing more affordable housing options.

These trends will continue to evolve, will keep you up to date as I see them 🙏

– Stu


About Stu Dunn

With a background in sales and behavioural science, I enjoy learning more about people, behaviour, psychology - which led into motivation - and more recently - sales again. Having started my own real estate company with my wife, it's time to merge interests.
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